Read full agreement and then say "I agree"
Lot of sites show some licence text, make you accept it and only then you can proceed with the download/next pages. In order to make sure that you read these, some UI applications have a feature that the "I Agree" button is activated only when you have scrolled through the entire licence agreement. While this is easy to implement in WindowsUI, following a sample snippet how we implemented it in our web applications. <div style="HEIGHT: 150px; OVERFLOW: auto" onscroll="javascript:displayScroll(this);"> I Agree I cannot agree to this agreement.<br/>I Agree I cannot agree to this agreement.<br/> I Agree I cannot agree to this agreement.<br/>I Agree I cannot agree to this agreement.<br/> I Agree I cannot agree to this agreement.<br/>I Agree I cannot agree to this agreement.<br/> I Agree I cannot agree to this agreement.<br/>I Agree I cannot agree to this agreement.<br/> I Agree I cannot agree to this agreem...